Treadmill Computer's Design Sketch
設計靈感來自於車用控制面版, 以車用粗礦造型搭上現代流線, 使面板設計在視覺上多了些時尚感.
在顏色上用運大膽而熱情的紅色為主用色, 與市面上之黑灰中間色調作區別.
Idea is come from the car control panel, than use the crude ore shape with the modern streamline that make the panel design to seems more fashion.
Than use of the color with blood and warm red, that’s different than others blak and gray colors.
在顏色上用運大膽而熱情的紅色為主用色, 與市面上之黑灰中間色調作區別.
Idea is come from the car control panel, than use the crude ore shape with the modern streamline that make the panel design to seems more fashion.
Than use of the color with blood and warm red, that’s different than others blak and gray colors.